Dienstag, 9. September 2014

Zombie Halloween Tutorial

Hi guys !

Today I want to show you how to create this really creepy look for halloween. I am not a professional make up artist but I believe that it still looks quite scary. You only need some basic materials that you can easily get in local shops or online. I hope you enjoy reading and have a lot of fun trying it out on yourself.

You need:
  • any kind of wax that is suitable for application on your body
  • fake blood
  • red, black and purple eyeshadow
  • some thick moisturizer
  • make up brushes 
  • hairspray
  • face and body pain 
At first you should prime you face and get you hair out of the way. Then start by applaying the wax in the area you want the cut/bump/blister to be. Befor that make sure that you put lots and lots of the thick moisturizer on your fingers so the wax will not stick to them.

For bumps just form a small ball an press it onto your skin. Flatten it out until you can't see where you skin ends and the wax starts. For cuts you smear the wax over the area you want to place the cut. Make the layer as thick as you want the cut to be deep. Smooth out the edges and create the cut with for example a nailfile.

Now open up the cut a bit with the nailfile to get a bigger gap. For a more realistic look try to make the edges more messy. Dont leave a straight cut just play arround with the file.

To get an even more disgustinge result put some wax on the edges of your mouth and sheer it out. Form something that looks like a heeling scar. Then just put wax wherever you like and create other scars, loose flesh or bumps. Another really nasty effect are open blisters. Create a bump like before and remove the top very carefully.

Now comes the fun part. Colours !!!!! Add face and body colours like I did in the following picture. Bumps should be bright in the middle and darker on the outside. To make cuts look more realistic put some black paint into the gap to create depth. You can also look at pictures of real wounds to get an impretion of the colours. At first just dot them on and when you have added every colour just blend them together with a brush or sponge. It looks a bit funny at first but when you blend properly it gets really nice.

After blending this colours out add some more red in the areas which are not filled in yet. Then also add black and blue as you like it. Because it was still looking a bit to bright for me I added some eyeshadows which make the finish a bit more matt. I took a very rusty red, purple colour and started blending out my hairline and any edges that were left. Dont forget to put on some face colour on your ears and neck. Also line you eyes with black eyeliner and put some black eyeshadow under your eyes so they look tired.

Now I just added some nude lip gloss and darker eyeshadow to parts of my lips and put some food colouring on my teeth.  I actually used special oil that is just produced in my local area which has a weird dark green/black colour. Afterwards I sprayed hairspray onto my hair and messed it up with my hands. The trickiest part is putting on the fake blood. It can get a bit messy so get a towel for emergencies. I usually take the end of a make up brush and dip it into the liquid blood. Then I let the blood run into cuts or out of my mouth. And Ta-da!

I hope you liked the tutorial and try it out yourself.

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